Friday, January 19, 2007

Stardate 71901.9

It has both fascinated and horrified me to learn exactly how far some will go to be noticed. For reasons that aren't immediately clear, a classmate of mine has, since the start of this school year, insisted on asking elaborately detailed questions, so detailed in fact that they force the lecture to come to grinding halt, so that the professor has an opportunity to answer each question properly. And so I find myself asking my own question: Do people who constantly ask quesitons during lecture actually have questions, or are they simply attempting to draw attention to themselves? There is no way to know the truth, and I'm not certain that I want to.

I am contemplating another lap around I-465, in an effort to improve on the travel times I recorded last July 9 and August 12. I wonder if perhaps it would be worthwhile to change my starting point from the Meridian/96th Street on-ramp to one of the I-465/I-70 junctions, or possibly the 38th Street/I-465 exit, as this is only a short distance from my appartment complex. On the other hand, maybe I just stop thinking about this idea altogether and find something more constructive for which to use my time, when I'm not studying or sleeping.

I wonder how long it will take for Jen to find out where her mysterious stuffed bear came from.

End Captain's Blog.

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