Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Stardate 71701.9

If there's one important lesson I've learned during the course of my life, it is that one should never underestimate the stupidty of those around him, nor should he be surprised when said stupidity manifests itself, particularly while driving.

One of the unfortunate distinctions of being an Indiana resident means coping with individuals whose driving skills leave much to be desired. This is never more apparent than during the morning rush-hour, when everyone makes the commute from home to school, work, or wherever they need to be that day. However, not everyone realizes that he shares the road with thousands of other drivers, many of whom do not have the patience to wait as he watches a dead leaf blow across the pavement.

It is extremely irritating to find onself behind one of these people, yet there must be more than I realized, because it happens every day. Each morning, I am confronted with someone who does not understand that I too have somewhere I need to be, and that I cannot get there as long as he is blocking my path. I don't know what can be done about these people, but it must be done soon. I can't take much more of this.

End Captain's Blog.

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